
Books I reccomend
Here are some books you might find helpful to read before or after your baby arrives. A few of these have been recommended to me as well, although I haven’t had a chance to read them all yet.
Please check back again, as I add more books I have read and recommend for the prenatal and postnatal time in your life.
The Body Keeps the Score:
This book has been recommended to me, I haven't had the chance to read it yet.
Becoming a parent can evoke a wide range of emotions, regardless of whether your child arrived through birth, adoption, or surrogacy. It is essential to prioritize your mental health to support your parenting journey effectively.
The AIMS Guide to Induction of Labour 2020
The AIMS Guide to Induction of Labour guides you through your rights and provides essential, evidence-based information about the benefits and risks of induction of labour in different situations. It is for you to weigh up the evidence and decide whether induction of labour is right for you and your baby.
Mary Sheridan's From Birth to Five Years: Children's Developmental Progress
The book of all books. This is the most prized book for all NNEB qualified maternity nurses. It was our go to book for our training and for writing observations on individual children's development as part of our course work.
Every parent should have a copy to monitor their child's development.